
Theory explaining words and concepts.

How To Handle Social Anxiety At Parties

Psychology professor Jordan Pedersen explains how making eye contact at parties stops negative self-judgment. Key points: Going to a party is scary because the situation is judging you. Putting you low down in the social hierarchy. Trying to not think about yourself does NOT WORK, it's like not thinking about a white elephant. [...]

By |2018-03-19T15:48:38+01:002017-12-10|Inspiration, Theory|

Comfort Zone Challenge

A comfort zone challenge is to continuously put yourself in a situation that triggers social fear with the purpose of making you more socially confident. Why does it work The working principle is called systematic desensitization. When a situation that triggers anxiety is repeated, your brain gets numb to it, and the anxiety diminishes and eventually vanish [...]

By |2018-03-27T12:19:40+01:002017-08-25|Theory|

Social Skills

Social skills are to use your words, voice, and body-language in an effective way to communicate and connect with other people. Here are five key social skills to master for a better social vibe. Presence and calmness When you feel anxious and experience fear in a social interaction you can not function normally. Your imagination [...]

By |2018-03-19T16:09:21+01:002017-08-18|Theory|

Comfort Challenges On The Tim Ferris Show

Tim Ferris suggests comfort zone challenges to improve confidence on his famous podcast "The Tim Ferris Show". Comfort Zone Challenges If you want to get idéas for comfort zone challenges, here are a free list of challenges. The Tim Ferris Show Tim Ferris podcast called "The Tim Ferris Show" breaks down the [...]

By |2018-03-27T12:24:42+01:002017-08-04|Community, Inspiration, Theory|

How CBT Is Used For Social Anxiety

The symptoms of social anxiety: thoughts, feelings, behaviors and physical reactions are all interconnected and affect each other. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) works on changing thoughts and behaviors. Since they are interconnected, this can improve all symptoms. The effectiveness of CBT has been demonstrated in over 1000 studies and the method is widely used by psychiatrists to [...]

By |2018-03-19T16:16:19+01:002017-07-21|Theory|


Shyness is the feeling of discomfort when around people. Shy people tend to keep themselves in the background and feel uncomfortable when put in the center of attention. Origins The current research indicates that the cause of shyness can be booth genetic, prenatal influences, environmental factors or from a traumatic social event. Shy Or Introverted Shyness and introversion are [...]

By |2018-03-19T16:17:31+01:002017-07-14|Theory|

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is an anxiety disorder where the person experiences fear and discomfort during social interactions. This cause self-consciousness and feelings of being judged, which leads to avoidance of these situations. Two types of social anxiety exist. Generalized social anxiety and specific social anxiety. Generalized social anxiety means experiencing anxiety in the presence of other people, while people having [...]

By |2018-03-19T16:19:38+01:002017-06-30|Theory|

Social Phobia

Social phobia is the older name for social anxiety but is used interchangeably. Social phobia previously meant fear of performing in public but was replaced by social anxiety that describes a more general fear of social interactions. Sources  

By |2018-03-19T16:21:55+01:002017-06-15|Theory|
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