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What You’ll Lose By Not Facing Fears

There are only two types of people in this world. The ones that want to improve and become a better version of themselves and those that don't. Improving and becoming a better version of yourself can wear many masks. Though, not wanting to improve only wears one. Can you guess what it is? Fear. One [...]

By |2018-03-19T15:46:35+01:002018-02-05|Inspiration|

How To Handle Social Anxiety At Parties

Psychology professor Jordan Pedersen explains how making eye contact at parties stops negative self-judgment. Key points: Going to a party is scary because the situation is judging you. Putting you low down in the social hierarchy. Trying to not think about yourself does NOT WORK, it's like not thinking about a white elephant. [...]

By |2018-03-19T15:48:38+01:002017-12-10|Inspiration, Theory|

My Story of Comfort Zone Crushing

Being a naturally introverted person, I always felt like I was missing out on important aspects of life. That made me embark on a journey of pushing my comfort zone, with the goal of becoming more confident and assertive. This is my experience of trying Improv Theatre, A Toastmasters Speaking Club and Comfort Zone Challenges. Improv [...]

By |2018-03-27T11:35:03+01:002017-11-25|Comfort Zone Challenges, Guides, Inspiration|

The Comfort Zone Crusher Podcast

Today I want to share the launch of the podcast from "ComfortZoneCrusher". It digests topics like social anxiety, fear, and confidence. Looks super interesting! "Comfort Zone Crusher" is a self-development company that does personal coaching and courses. The main focus is improving social confidence and deal with social anxiety. In this work, they have interviewed [...]

By |2018-03-19T15:42:20+01:002017-11-09|Tips|

The Comfort Zone Crusher App

We loved the challenges from Comfort Zone Crusher so much, we created an unofficial app for it. We did it simply because we would want to use the product ourselves. It's called IDareTo. If you are not familiar with comfort zone crusher challenges, it is a practical method of improving social confidence. What [...]

By |2018-03-19T15:52:25+01:002017-11-02|Comfort Zone Challenges, The IDareTo App|

Comfort Zone Challenge Apps 2018

Comfort zone challenges are something that takes you out of your normal day to day routine. Like talking to strangers or doing something a bit crazy. Increasing your confidence. Here is our compilation of comfort challenge apps available 2017 for iOS and Android. Youper Youper is [...]

By |2018-08-08T15:52:43+01:002017-10-28|Guides, Tips|

Master Your Nervousness During Public Speaking

Fear of public speaking is THE the most common phobia. It makes you overly anxious about your appearance and performance when speaking in front of an audience. You may even avoid these situations altogether. Here are 27 practical tips to handle your nervousness. This list is not meant to be a step by step routine. [...]

By |2018-03-19T15:57:58+01:002017-10-20|Guides|

Try Improvised Speeches At Toastmasters

Here is something you can do THIS week to challenge fear of public speaking. Best of all, it's totally free. Toastmasters is an international organization with people who want to master public speaking. At the moment there are over 15900 active local clubs that hold meetings each week practicing public speaking. The meetings are usually [...]

By |2018-03-19T15:59:47+01:002017-10-09|Tips|
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